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2024 Recap

 Wow,  it's hard to believe another year has come and gone! What a good 2024 we had. We of course saw so much growth and change in the kids, but also in ourselves, our home, our habits and rhythms. We had our challenges, plenty of fighting and tears, but overall we shared so much joy and happiness as a family, and reflecting back over these last 12 months has brought me much gratitude to the Lord for the many ways He has blessed us this year.  -JANUARY- This is the very first photo I took on January 1, 2024. I remember that it put a lump in my throat when I pondered all the ways in which Peter would change throughout the year. I knew that he wouldn't at all be the same baby that sat on my lap that morning, and it grieved me. I'm so thankful to say that as I look at the little boy he is today, I love him even more than I did then! He is so much more full of personality and brings even more joy into our home than he did 12 months ago. I believe this will be true of any pict...

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