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Peter's 1st Birthday

 It's hard to believe, but the baby of the family is one! Peter is such a sweet baby; he is always happy and flashes his big toothy grin at everyone he sees! Two of my friends told me they were discussing how you feel like such an idiot when you're talking to a baby and they won't smile at you, but they said "You know who never makes you feel like an idiot? Peter Horton!" 😂 Peter will smile for anyone, anytime! Baby talk is not even required. 😜 Peter's birthday was on a Friday. We spent the morning at the swim team practice, and then stayed to swim and eat lunch. This is the only picture I took, which means it's the best picture I have, even though it was too bright for Peter to open his eyes. 😂 He enjoyed the water a little bit, but mostly liked snacking and playing with diving sticks! We ordered pizza for dinner and then went out for Yogurt Mountain for dessert. Peter got his first cup of yogurt and loved it! The next day we had a Winnie the Pooh fami

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