5th Wedding Anniversary

Five years ago today, I married my best friend, and it has been a blast ever since!

We were married on July 14, 2012 at Monte Sano Lodge on Monte Sano Mountain in Huntsville. Our ceremony was at 3 P.M. and I'm sure everyone hated us. Who gets married outside in the middle of the afternoon, smack dab in the middle of July in Alabama? Apparently we do. Although let's be honest, Caleb didn't pick the time 😜 But the Lord gave us such beautiful weather and miraculously, just before 3 o'clock, a big cloud moved over the sun just enough to shade it. Plus it was definitely several degrees cooler up on the mountain. It ended up being a perfect day!

Jelly bean favors--Caleb's favorite candy!

 I made every single one of these programs, back in the day when I apparently had too much time on my hands. I printed them, cut them, sewed them together, and tied the ribbons. It makes me tired to just think about doing that again. 
My favorite thing about our wedding was the food--Papa John's pizza! I'm probably in the top 10 "World's Pickiest Eaters" (I need to make this a thing and get some official documentation. Call me, Guiness!), and I rarely go to a wedding and eat more than cake :) so I always knew that I wanted to serve pizza. Not to mention that pizza is the PERFECT food to serve a big crowd. I think we spent like $200 on food 😂 Of course we're too classy to serve our wedding pizza out of cardboard boxes (can I use "classy" and "wedding pizza" in the same sentence?) so I ordered pizza pans, stands, and servers from a restaurant supply website. We had little cards in front of each pizza identifying the kind. I think it turned out SO cute and so "us"! 

I ordered these blank on Etsy and painted them myself. Anyone who knows me knows I am not artistic in the least, so the fact that these turned out so well is a miracle. 

Chocolate and peanut butter--what my dreams are made of!

And just for giggles, this is the face of a bride already contemplating divorce because her groom just smeared cake on her face and down her dress. Of course she had to get him worse and then give him a death glare. hahaha

These five years have flown by. They've been filled with adventure, memories, laughter, tears, fights, FUN, and too much love to measure. Thank you, Caleb, for this wonderful life we share. I can't wait to see what the rest of our lifetime together will bring! 



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