Show and Tell Tuesday--What's on Your Phone?

Today I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday. This is my first link up other than Friday Favorites, and I'm so excited to share what's on my phone!

Here's a picture of my first page of apps: 

And here's the second page:

Caleb hates using my phone because he hates the way I have my apps organized 😂 but I like it and it works for me! Here's a look at 4 of my favorite apps, and one that I just got that I can't wait to use!

First up is Kroger's app. I love this for grocery shopping and use it every time I go. 

Here's the home page. You can search coupons, view the sales ad, and make your grocery list all in the app. The coupons are loaded to your Kroger plus card, and they have TONS of them, including lots on their Kroger brand items, which I buy a lot of. 

Here's what the list looks like. You can type anything in and it pulls up everything they sell containing that word, and then you click the little plus sign to add it to your list. And the BEST part is that you put in your Kroger store, and it tells you which aisle each item is on. It makes grocery shopping SO EASY. 

Don't laugh, but Firehouse Subs app is my second favorite. 

I LOVE Firehouse, like I'm seriously addicted and have eaten it at least once a week for a year now. I thought I'd be sick of it by now, but unfortunately I'm not 😂 When you get the app, you get to earn points on every purchase (1 point for every penny you spend!) and you get to cash the points in for free food. Now for some reason none of my friends or family want to take the time to get the app for themselves. so they all use my phone number on their purchases and I get the points. So basically I'm always getting a free sandwich! This app is seriously awesome and you should totally get it if you eat Firehouse Subs a lot!

Now this next app is pretty personal, but I figured there might be other ladies out there reading this that would find it helpful, so I'm going to share! Ovia Fertility is an app that I have used for a while now as a way to track my menstrual cycle. 

The app is intended to be used by women trying to get pregnant (which I am not, BTW!), and you can track a ton of things like your period, when you're intimate, basal temperature, etc. It takes the info you put in about your cycle and lets you know when your fertile days are, what day you will ovulate, and what day your period should start. I find it very handy to keep track of everything. I used this before getting pregnant with Henry and then when he was born I had Ovia's pregnancy app which is awesome as well! 


Another app that I love is my church's app (Church of the Highlands)! It has a daily Bible portion that takes you through the Bible in a year, and I'll read that most mornings as a devotional. They also have all of the Sunday and Wednesday messages from like the last 7 years archived, and I'll go listen to an old one while I'm busy around the house. It has all the info about the church as well, and is just a super app! 


I just downloaded the Nike Training Club app, and I'm excited to try it out. Caleb has this app and loves it, and will do workouts from it several times a week in our living room. There are hundreds of workouts to choose from, and you choose which category you're interested in, and then select a specific workout. They all last different amounts of time, and you can choose how hard you want it. There's a little animated person who does each exercise with you to show you how to do it, and there's also a voice instructing you and encouraging you to keep going. It'll say "You're halfway there!" or "Just a few more seconds." which is something I totally need to hear when I'm working out!  I can't wait to dive into using this, and I'm hoping it'll help me exercise more often! I'll be honest, one of my problems is finding the motivation to workout, but the other problem is that I never know what to do. This app solves that problem!

That's a look at some of my favorite apps! Everyone should download these right now :) What are your favorites apps? I'd love to hear!


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