10 Things About Our 10 Month Old

Today, our sweet little baby boy is 10 months old. 


How is that even possible?? People always say that time flies and to enjoy your babies while they're little cause they'll grow up fast. I just had no idea how true it was! There aren't words to express how much we loved Henry the day he was born, but somehow that love has only grown. I thought it'd be fun today to share 10 special things about this precious boy of ours!
1) Henry is the king of the duck face. We have no idea why, but he makes this face ALL THE TIME. It is hilarious. He'll turn and look at us with his lips like this, and it makes us laugh every time.
First documented duck face at 2 weeks old
 A straight face and duck lips. I love this little goofball and his pouty lips, which brings me to point number two...

2) He has started giving slobbery, open-mouthed kisses that completely melt my heart. He won't do it all the time, but sometimes when I say "Can I have a kiss?" he'll open his mouth and plant one on my cheek. Other times I'll be laying on the floor playing with him and he'll crawl over to me, grab my face, and kiss me on the cheek, forehead, nose...basically wherever his mouth lands :) It is the most precious thing ever! When the little person that you love more than you love yourself starts showing that love back, there is absolutely nothing sweeter! 
Coming in for a kiss 😘

3) Most people say Henry looks just like me, and I can't disagree! He has his daddy's mouth and definitely makes faces that look like Caleb, but a lot of the time I see myself as a baby when I look at him. In Caleb's defense, we only have 1 picture of him as a baby around the age Henry is now, so maybe in other pictures there would be more a resemblance. I need to talk to my mother-in-law about getting some more baby pictures of Caleb! 
(top right: me--top left: Caleb--bottom: Henry)

4) Henry has slept through the night every night for over a month now. I think we've finally reached a turning point, and crying during the night is a thing of the past (at least for a while 😆). Henry slept in a bassinet in our room for the first 7 months of his life, but he would end up in our bed snuggled in the crook of my arm every night after only 2-3 hours. While I loved the bonding time with him, it was EXHAUSTING, and I desperately needed a full night of sleep. When we moved in June, we started putting him in his crib in his own room, and within a couple of days he was napping really well in there. We'd go 4-5 nights of solid sleep, and then 2-3 with him waking once and crying during the night. I'd go in there and rock him back to sleep, and he'd sleep until 6:45 or 7:00 A.M. For the last couple weeks he's been sleeping from about 8:30 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. and it is amazing!! He takes two naps a day, one at 10 A.M. and the other at 2 P.M. and sleeps for 3-4 hours combined. He's finally a good little sleeper and I couldn't be more excited!
Sidenote: we don't usually put Henry down with a blanket; he wears a sleep sack instead. But on this particular day, he fell asleep for his nap before I had put him in the sleep sack, so I covered him with a blanket.

5) I gotta say, Henry comes by this one honestly; he loves to eat! He has eaten and enjoyed everything we've put in his mouth with the exception of tunafish, melons (watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe), and kale. Everything else he happily eats! He loves grapes, blueberries, strawberries, plums, apples, oranges, sweet potatoes, broccoli, green beans, white potatoes, cheese, bread, peanut butter, cheese quesadillas, yogurt, oatmeal, chicken, pork, beef--seriously, this kid eats it all! He's not crazy about bananas, but he'll eat a few bites. I would say that grapes are probably his favorite food. He's at a point now where he can feed himself bites of food, or hold pieces of sandwich, quesadilla, apple, etc. in his hand and bite them. 
I think he enjoyed his spaghetti 😂

6) Henry has TONS of toys (too many!), and he enjoys lots of them, but his favorite things are completely random objects that aren't toys. In particular, he loves a leather flower that used to hang on my key ring, but I removed it and gave it to him, and he loves his little portable sound machine. He will carry them both around all day if we let him, not really doing anything with them other than holding on for dear life 😂 He holds the sound machine out in front of him by the ring that you can hang it from, and we joke that he looks like a watchman with his lantern. My mom has had to put him down for a nap before with it because he wouldn't let go. Crazy baby!
There's the flower key chain...

...And there he is asleep with Papa while holding on to his sound machine!

7) Henry has 6 teeth, the 2 middle ones on the bottom, and 4 center teeth on the top. We brush his teeth every night after his bedtime bottle, and he loves it so much! 

Looks at those little teeth! 

8) Henry will stand and walk while pushing something; his walker, a cardboard box, laundry basket, etc. He hasn't stood on his own for any length of time, but I think once he gets his balance, he'll be off!

9) We joke that Henry is going to be an engineer because he is so interested in everything, and really studies things to see how they work.  I know every parent thinks this about their kids, but we really do think he's smart! He's a thinker, and has been since he was a tiny baby. He is happy to sit back and observe, and always looks like he's contemplating something important. 
He sat and "tinkered" with the vacuum cleaner for 20 minutes the other day. He spun the wheels, moved the cord holder back and forth, and entertained himself for TWENTY MINUTES. 🙌

10) Henry will repeat "da-da" and "ba-ba" after us, but he won't say "ma-ma" unless he's upset. I wasn't sure whether or not he knew what he was saying, but last week he was crying and grabbing onto my legs saying "mama, mama, mama" and I think he really does know who I am! 😍 It's the sweetest word my ears have ever heard! I have wanted a baby of my own basically since I was a baby myself, and to finally have one is just surreal. I thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY for making me Henry's mama! 


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