George---7 Month Update

 George hasn't had a lot of love on the blog, but he sure has all the love around our house! I'm convinced that he's actually an angel and would take a dozen more babies if they were just like him. This has been a big month for our Georgie! He took his first trip to the beach, got new teeth, had RSV, and has met some new developmental milestones.

First of all, is this not the cutest baby in the world?! He is so beautiful, I just can't even get over it. He has about the same amount of hair as Henry and Claire at this age, but his is much blonder, and you can especially tell in the sunlight. He cut his 2 bottom center teeth at the beginning of May, but as of last week he has his 2 front teeth and the one directly to the right of them coming in. I didn't even know until the other day when I was leaning him back and he was laughing, and suddenly with his mouth wide open I could see all these new little teeth. 

George loves pat-a-cake and will start smiling as soon as you grab his hands. If he even hears someone saying it, he smiles!
In the floorboard of the van, stopping for lunch on the way to the beach, with a french fry in his neck. This is George's life. Ha! He handles the craziness of being the 3rd baby like a champ and I really believe he just loves being wherever the rest of us are. 
Sitting up! George has become pro at sitting, and it makes it so much easier that I can sit him on a blanket with some toys and he can entertain himself. He's begun scooting around on his bottom too, and definitely will be on the move before too long. We caught him yesterday trying to get on his knees, but he couldn't quite get there. He'll be crawling before we know it! 
George has begun having lots of meals in the high chair and trying all kinds of new table food. Peanut butter sandwiches, crackers, applesauce, all kinds of fruit, beans, cheese...he has loved it all! 
Add "growing like a weed" to the list of things George has been up to this month. This baby is huge (85th percentile for weight & off the charts for height at his 6 month check-up), and he isn't slowing down. The other day I likened him to the fish in the book "A Fish Out of Water". I feel like I can see him growing before my eyes and every time I turn around, he's going up a size in clothes and diapers. He's the softest, chubbiest baby we've had and oh my goodness, I could squish him all day (and I often do!).
George has also started making all kinds of sounds this month. He jabbers away all the time and is so intentional with his "conversation" that it's like he really thinks he's saying something. He's making d/b/g sounds and stringing them together with lots of oooooos and I just can't get enough of his little voice! 

I don't even know how we lived without George. He's so incredibly precious, and I so grateful I get to be his mama! 


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