Today I'm going to talk about Louie, the other furry member of our family. First, a little sad news; since my post about Frannie went up, she has gone missing. It has been over to 3 weeks since we've seen her and we are so worried. We are hoping that she's found another family, but we're not naive enough to ignore the very real possibility that she was hurt by a larger animal. We are praying that she is safe and happy, and that God will watch over and protect her. We know that she is His creation, and that not a sparrow falls without His knowing. I believe that pertains to kitties too! :) I'm going to refer to her in this post in the present tense, because in my heart she is still alive out there somewhere in the world!
Okay, back to Louie! This is the sweetest, most gentle cat. He's very skittish and sensitive, and he likes a lot of attention. He's basically the exact opposite of Frannie, who is about as fearless and independent as you can get.
We adopted Louie through a local rescue organization. He had been born at the home where his mom was being fostered, and he had several siblings. His name when we got him was "Lil' Bit" and we immediately knew we would change it :) Besides Louie, we also refer to him as Mr. Lou. He was little when we got him, and very quickly grew to be quite large! We know he has to be part Maine Coon because of his size and many of his physical traits.
Okay, back to Louie! This is the sweetest, most gentle cat. He's very skittish and sensitive, and he likes a lot of attention. He's basically the exact opposite of Frannie, who is about as fearless and independent as you can get.
Don't be fooled; Louie HATES traveling :)
All tucked in
We adopted Louie through a local rescue organization. He had been born at the home where his mom was being fostered, and he had several siblings. His name when we got him was "Lil' Bit" and we immediately knew we would change it :) Besides Louie, we also refer to him as Mr. Lou. He was little when we got him, and very quickly grew to be quite large! We know he has to be part Maine Coon because of his size and many of his physical traits.
The best word to describe Louie is dopey. He's not dumb or anything, but next to Frannie he was like her idiot sidekick who just followed along. He's extremely goofy, as you can tell by this picture.
One unfortunate thing about Louie is that he has several health problems, and we've had to spend lots of time and money at the vet. Nothing too serious, just some allergies, but they cause a scabby rash to break out around his mouth and so every few months he goes to the vet for a steroid shot. We've also been told that he has a heart murmur, and that we should do x-rays and possibly an EKG and see if he is a candidate for a transplant. No offense to Louie, but I think we'll let him keep his bad heart 😋
A gentle giant
Louie loves to sprawl across the floor with his back legs straight behind him, and it is the funniest thing! He is seriously such a goofball!
Louie also LOVES eating, and will seriously just about knock you down if you open a can of tuna or pull out a bag of treats. He's very vocal and very loud, and he will meow at the top of his lungs until we pay attention to him.
That's a little look at our Mr. Lou. He's a very special kitty, and we are lucky he's ours!
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