Organizational Overhaul--Filing Cabinet
Today, I'm sharing some organizing that I did at my parent's house. This was my first time organizing a filing cabinet other than my own, and I LOVED the way it turned out! My mom saw our filing cabinet a while back, and has been wanting me to help her ever since. We finally found some time earlier this month, and the pictures speak for themselves!
My mom emptied the top drawer before I could get a picture, but it looks just like these two. They were stuffed with overflowing folders, and loaded down with superfluous papers that were just taking up of space. We got rids of TONS AND TONS of paperwork, and here was what we were left with... drawer...that's right, ONE DRAWER!!! That is only HALF full! I could not believe how much my mom got rid of. She is so happy with the system we created, and I know she'll have a much easier time both filing and retrieving information she needs. Here's a few pointers on organizing a filing cabinet:
1) Use hanging file folders (I prefer green ones) to create broad categories for your paperwork/important documents, and then use manila folders to sub-categorize within each main group. For example, we have a green folder for "INCOME TAXES", and then a manila folder for each year within the income taxes file. This works for all kinds of categories; insurance divided into auto, home, life, etc., health with a folder for each family member, vehicles with a folder for each car you own. It is completely customizable and makes finding your papers SO much easier! I'm including Amazon links to the products I use in case anyone is interested.
2) Tax returns should be kept for 7 years, but after that, there's no need to keep them. Purge your filing cabinets of old tax returns to free up lots of space; my parent's had them all the way back to the 90's!
3) Many bills for cell phone service, cable, utilities, etc, can be accessed online, as well as credit card bills and statements. My mom probably had a whole drawer filled with these papers, and it took a lot of persuading, but I convinced her that she doesn't need to keep Verizon bills for the past 5 years.
4) If you're having a hard time getting rid of your papers, consider using a document scanner to upload them to the computer for digital storage. It takes up MUCH less space, yet you can still have your documents available in case you need something.
Thanks for reading, come back tomorrow for a special post about our TEN MONTH OLD! :)
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