Lake Winnie 2017
On Saturday, my family drove 2 hours to Lake Winnie, an amusement park in Chattanooga, and we had the BEST time!!! I had never been before, but my parents and siblings had been a couple times over 10 years ago. We decided to take a little family day trip over there, and I am so glad we did! It's basically like a permanent fair with all the usual rides; Tilt-A-Whirl, Scrambler, Ferris Wheel, swings, carousel, etc.,(but lots more!) and tons of fair games, but there's also a lake in the middle with paddle boats and a huge shaded picnic area where you can sit and enjoy your own food/drinks that you can bring from outside the park. Seriously, it was awesome! And of course they have all the carnival food you could want. Between the 11 of us we had soft pretzels, Dippin Dots, funnel cake, snow cones, and Icees. Mmmm! Take a look at how much fun we had...the pictures speak for themselves!

Just arrived, and not sure what to think yet. 😊
Here we are on "Jumbo" the flying elephant 😂😂😂 This was Henry's first ride, and one of 5 he was able to do at his age. We didn't except him to be able to ride much of anything, so we were pleasantly surprised!
Mimi and Evelyn on Jumbo. Papa was with Caroline in the elephant behind them.
She looks a little too comfortable on that motorcycle 😜
This was pre-carnival food consumption. We're smiling in anticipation!
It was pretty hot (hence the shedding of his shoes/socks and pants 😂) so Henry cooled down with some ice chips while we had snow cones and Icees. #sorryHenry
Showing off their blue mouths 😋
This was a smaller picnic area on the lake, but there was a huge one when you first came in to the park. We rested for a few minutes to refuel and cool down.
Henry was a fan of the soft pretzel.
Mimi and Evelyn about the enter the Wacky Factory.
On the Alpine Ski Lift that took you over the lake. It offered a great view of the park, but I was a liiiittle scared of it breaking and crashing into the water.
Here comes Papa and Evelyn and Stephen and Caroline!
One of my personal favorites, the Orbiter! (basically a scrambler)
Here we all are on the train ride that took you around the perimeter of the park, while a recording told you it's history.
Evelyn is such a daredevil. She LOVED every ride she did, and when it was over she'd say "I want to do that again!" She wanted to do all of the adult rides, and was upset when she was too short for some. She pointed to the Fireball (the one that goes around in a circle, taking you upside down at the top), and said that she wanted to ride the circle. 😂 She laughed hysterically on this ride that spun you around, while going up and down. We did this one twice in a row.
Papa and Henry waiting for us. Henry was waving to the people on the ride, and when my car got close and I waved back, his little face lit up! 😍
Caroline was a little too short, so Stephen took her to do the spinning hot air balloons. This girl loved all the rides too!
We were on a big swinging whale (we rode this one twice!) and Henry was laughing at Evelyn. He thinks she is the funniest!
Last ride of the day. Some of us went to do the swinging pirate ship one more time (the adult version of the whale), and the girls did the boats.
We had such a fun day together, and made some unforgettable memories! The kids were all SO good. The girls walked everywhere the whole day and didn't complain once, and they waited patiently while we did rides they were too little to do. Henry napped in his stroller and was just happy to be with everyone. I was so proud of them all!
I hope this is a new family tradition, and that we'll make at least one trip to Lake Winnie every year. It was such a blast!
Oh my god! Such a cutie pie! God bless him! My daughter will also turn 1 next month and it is also our anniversary in the next month. Therefore, I am looking for rental spaces for parties that are nice in the budget. I got some great ideas for my daughter’s party from this post.