Friday Favorites

We've had a very uneventful week here in the Horton house. These slow days are always nice, but I must say that I'm ready to get out of the house! Here are a look at a few favorites from the week:
Henry had his 15 month checkup this week and his FAVORITE thing to do at the the doctor's office is play in the sink. :) My FAVORITE is having a happy, healthy baby!

On Tuesday we had SNOW! Barely enough to make a snowball, but snow nonetheless. :) We were cooped up in the house all morning, so we went to my parent's house in the afternoon for a little bit. Being home with my guys all day was my FAVORITE!

A cold winter day calls for a new puzzle! Sorting pieces was much more fun with my FAVORITE little helper!

I got Henry this step stool this week at Home Goods, and it is his new FAVORITE thing ever! He actually loves it a little too much and has thrown some pretty big fits when we pry him away. HAHA! He stands on it at the bathroom counter while we brush his teeth at night, and he loves feeling like a big boy!

We are looking forward to a warmer weekend than what we've been having, and we're hoping we can tackle a couple projects around the house and spend some time outdoors. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, see you back here Monday! :)


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