Easter--Part II

We woke up bright and early Sunday morning and gave Henry his Easter basket. He really loved everything and was so excited as he pulled stuff out. It was so cute and sweet! 

Henry ate eggs and fruit with his new fork and drank a yogurt smoothie with his bunny straw. (Yes mom, I washed them both first! 😜)

I served again in the church nursery during the 9:45 service, while Caleb and Henry did this...
...so sweet!

I met Caleb and Henry at my MIL's house when I got out of church and we had lots of Easter fun!

Tracy and Derek bought Henry a Radio Flyer wagon for Easter, so they pulled that out for him to see. He loved it as much as we thought he would, and had fun playing with it in the backyard.

We scattered some eggs around and Henry picked them up and put them in his basket once, but then we did it a second time and he lost interest. (Shoutout to Kendra for the photos! 😊)

After lunch we went home to put Henry down for a nap. My mom and brother came over to help us prep for an Easter cookout with my family, and then everyone got there around 4:30 for an Easter egg hunt.

This was the best picture we could get of all 3 kids. Henry wouldn't stand still and Evelyn was mad because she was ready to start hunting eggs. Oh well! 😂

I don't think Henry picked up one single egg. He just had fun walking about with everyone and then riding in his wagon!

We came inside and counted to make sure we found all the eggs, and we came up a few short. We might be finding the last few in the weeks to come! LOL. 

We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner, and they were so good!

I told everyone to look natural, and this is what Stephen did. 😂😂😂

The weather was absolutely PERFECT, and we all sat outside enjoying the beautiful day and our time together. As we were eating dessert, (cheesecake and brownies!) two ducks came walking through the ditch and we all got a big kick out of it. The kids were so excited and were running around trying to get a good view. :) It was a great ending to an amazing day!


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