Henry's First Haircut
Henry had his first haircut this past Saturday! The poor kid really didn't have enough hair to warrant a cut until a month or so ago, so we booked an appointment with my dear friend, Mrs. Nancy. Nancy is my childhood best friend Shelley's mom, and I knew she was just the right person to give Henry his first cut! Caleb wanted to be there, so we booked a Saturday appointment and enjoyed our last few days of Henry's half curl/half mullet 'do. :)
Making the first cut! Eeeek!
We told Nancy that we didn't want it too short, just cleaned up a bit.
Nancy and her sister Dorinda couldn't believe how still and quiet Henry was (Caleb and I couldn't either! 😂). He didn't whine or fuss once, and sat still in my lap playing with toys Nancy had pulled out.
Evening out the sides...
...and finishing up! Only 10 minutes from start to finish!
Unfortunately we never took an "after" picture, but here's one I took in the car a couple days ago. You can tell how much neater his hair looks. We are LOVING the shorter, cleaner look, and the best part is that the back is still curling! 🙌
Thanks Mrs. Nancy for giving our boy the perfect first haircut!
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