Henry's 21-Month Update
Today, Henry is 3/4 of the way through his second year of life--a mere THREE MONTHS away from his 2nd birthday! Where is the time going?! We love this boy SO MUCH. He brings such joy to our family, and watching him grow up is so much fun!
When I sit here and try to write something that describes Henry, my words all seem to fall short. How can I possibly sum up everything he is in a few paragraphs? He's sweet and loving and affectionate, he's got somewhat of a bad temper that usually rears its ugly head once or twice a day, but he's quick to listen and obey.
Sometimes I see him doing something that he seems way too young to do (like swinging at Mimi and Papa's house!), and I'm blown away by how much he's grown. It's hard not to be just a little sad about it, but having an older, more capable child opens up a whole new world of possibilities! We love trying new things for Henry to enjoy!
Henry's love of the bubble mower is still going strong! His favorite thing to do is get outside with Caleb and mow the lawn. Seeing that little helper follow his daddy through the yard melts my heart!
We turned Henry's car seat around a couple months ago and he LOVES his new view! I swear that he can spot a construction vehicle from a mile away and he excitedly points and shouts, "Wook! Wook!" (His way of saying "look", which he says about everything 😂).
Henry discovered trains at Barnes and Noble during these past few months and he is completely obsessed! We bought him a small track with a couple trains and I'm not kidding when I say that every morning when he walks into the living room and sees the train he yells "choo-choo!!!!" like he's never seen it before. Hahaha!
Popsicles are another one of Henry's newfound loves, and they are probably the greatest cause of melt downs in our house. When Henry is throwing a lay-on-the-floor-screaming-and-crying fit, there's a 95% chance I've just told him he can't have a popsicle. (The thought just dawned on me...why am I still buying popsicles?? Hmmm....)
Henry has a wide variety of interests; trucks, construction vehicles, motorcycles, trains, tools, lawnmowers, and leaf blowers. 😂😂😂 Those are the things he gets excited about, which is why he loves going to my parent's house. He drags my dad outside to the shed every time and I'll walk out to see the lawnmower, leaf blower, pressure washer, and lawn spreader sitting in the yard. He was in Heaven when Papa replaced Mimi's brakes and he got to help by handing my dad the lug nuts. It was no surprise when his first words to string together were "Papa's tools". Hahaha!
We are starting to explore the world of potty training, and I might be totally wrong, but I think it's not going to be too hard to get Henry trained. He's very interested in sitting on the toilet, and he's even pee'd in it once. I can't even say the word "potty" around him or he'll want to go set up his little potty seat, take off his diaper, and climb up. We are going on a trip at the end of September and I definitely don't want to deal with potty training while we're out of town, but my plan is to seriously start after his 2nd birthday in October.
We went to Chick-fil-A with the Rudd's the other night and Henry had to sit in a regular chair because they were out of high chairs. He sat there quiet and still for 15 minutes while he ate his dinner, and Jessica hit the nail on the head when she said "Are you sure he isn't like, 3?!" He does things like that all the time that make us so proud of him. We were getting ready to leave the house the other day and I asked him to go get me some diapers for his bag and he went to his room and came back with 5 of them. Or I'll ask him to come to his room and help pick up his blocks and he'll come right away, put the blocks in the basket, and then pick the basket up and try to put it on the shelf. We were at the grocery story for almost an hour the other day, about 10 minutes of which I was talking to an old friend I ran into, and he sat quietly in the buggy the whole time and didn't whine or cry or complain once.
Don't get me wrong, he has bad moments and can push my buttons until I want to scream, but most of the time he really is so easy. I'm forever grateful for his sweet disposition that makes being his mother such a joy!
Our Henry just gets better all the time