Best Big Brother
Today, I want to brag on Henry a bit for what a sweet big brother he has been to Claire! We didn't know what to expect from him when she was born, but we anticipated some jealousy/confusion over some our attention being taken from him and given to her. The first couple of days we were home were hard, and although he didn't lash out directly at Claire, Henry's behavior was TERRIBLE! We knew his defiance and disobedience had to be related to the new baby, so we just tried our best to be loving and patient with him, and luckily his attitude changed pretty quickly.
In the mornings and after his nap, Henry will ask me "Where's my sister?" or "How's Claire doin'?" 😂 He still refuses to hold her on his lap, but he is always concerned about where she is and what she's doing.
After she's been fed and she's happy and content, Henry asks me to put Claire down on the couch or ottoman or on his bed and he loves to lay next to her and "talk" to her. She stares intently and watches everything he does, and it's so sweet!
Henry will put his arm near Claire's hand and when she moves and touches him he says "Aww! Touch me!" or "Aww! Touch my shirt!" 😂 He's such a goofball!
Before Claire was born, we prayed that God would prepare Henry's heart to be a big brother, and that He would give Henry love for his sister, and it feels so good to see that prayer come to fruition! I know their relationship won't be perfect and that we will have our fair share of fighting and bickering, but boy am I grateful to be off to a good start!
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