Three Things
I thought it was time for another "Three Things" post to give some updates about the kids! Claire has now been with us for over 7 weeks and is growing and changing everyday, and I swear Henry has grown 2x his size since she was born! Here's a few current little tidbits about each of them!
Henry has an excellent memory, especially memorization of words. He can quote entire sentences from many of the books we read often, and we have him on video reading almost the entirety of "Machines at Work" and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". Knowing what a little sponge he is, we've started working on some Scripture memory with him. The first verse I chose was the first half of John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son." I repeated it a few times and then would say it leaving a word or two out, letting Henry fill it in, and he picked it up really quickly! Now we've started practicing Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." And then yesterday Henry surprised me by putting his fingers together like a roof and saying "Here church, here steeple..." I honestly couldn't remember the rest and asked him what it was and he said "Open door....see all people!" He told me Papa taught him that, and my dad confirmed it to be true. 😂
Since Spring came and the weather got warm, Henry has been outside almost everyday riding his bike. He got a balance bike for his birthday because Caleb and I had heard how helpful they are when it comes time to ride a big bike, but we were a little skeptical. Well now that he's been riding so much, he's gotten to the point where he can get his speed up and then lift his feet off the ground and cruise along until he runs out of momentum. He goes so fast that we have to run to keep up to him! We're so proud of how good he's gotten, and can't wait to see him ride a regular bike one day soon!
Henry uses his imagination more and more, and it surprises me every day because I just can't believe he's old enough to do that! He loves to "feed" Matt, Bert, and Spot, and he'll make his trucks and trains talk to each other while he plays. The other day he was holding two Thomas trains and he was making them talk to each other saying "You're not Thomas! I'm Thomas!" and then the other would say "No way, you're not Thomas! I'm Thomas!" It was SO funny! He'll also hear a noise in the house and say "What's that sound?? Let me go see!" and then go out in the hallway and say that there's an elephant in the house. 😂 He's just so much fun!
We have smiles! I couldn't wait to reach this milestone, because there's nothing sweeter than a baby smile! Claire loves looking at faces, and will light up with the sweetest smile when she's spoken to.
Since I've had a newborn before and now have some kind of idea what I'm doing, I've been putting Claire to sleep in her crib WAY sooner than I did with Henry. She naps in there a couple times a day, and even sleeps there at night! She does so well, and I'm so proud of both of us! :)
Claire LOVES getting her bath at night! She cried the first time we bathed her and then one time after that, but now she loves it so much. In fact, one of the first times she smiled at me was while I was rinsing her with warm water. Haha! I've been following the Moms on Call rules for giving a bath, so instead of using the bath sling, I lay her on the bottom of the bathtub in a few inches of water, with my hand under her head. It's a sweet and relaxing time!
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