Things Henry Says

Like most toddlers, Henry says the FUNNIEST stuff, and I decided to dedicate a post to some of my favorite things he says because I don't want to forget them! He's at a point where he's talking in complete sentences, but still talks in the sweetest little baby voice and has hilarious pronunciation. Lately we've been taking more videos than pictures of him because we don't want to forget the way he sounds right now at 2 years old. This age is just so fun!

---Henry's been saying this for a while, but he says it a lot. "What's that sound?" pronounced "What dat dound?????" with the multiple question marks, and said so fast that it sounds like one word. 😂 Any little noise he hears (seriously, it could be a car door closing down the street), he'll  whip his head around and say "What dat dound?????" We laugh SO HARD about this and now Caleb and I can't help but say it when we hear a noise too. :) Occasionally he'll also really slowly emphasize the words like "WHAT. DAT. DOUND." which is equally funny.

---I had a friend ask me the other day if he's getting into the "Why?" stage yet. He hasn't asked that yet, but he has gotten inquisitive. He asks "What is dat ding?" and "How you do it?" a lot. The other night I told him we were going to a new friend's house the next day and he asked "How we get there?" I told him that I would put the address into my phone and it would give us directions. He asked "How dat work?" and I told him through a GPS to which he replied "GPS? What is dat??" :) I love that he's asking questions and always trying to figure out how stuff works!

---Henry is SUPER loving and affectionate, and he tells Claire and me all day long "I love you both!" pronounced "I wuv eww boff!" One of my favorite conversations we have goes like this:
Henry: "I wuuuuuv eww, Mama!"
Me: "I love you more!"
Henry: "No I wuv eww more!"
Me: "I love you the most!"
Henry: "No I wuv eww most!"
Me: "I love you with all my heart!"
Henry: "I wuv eww all my ott!"
Me: "I love you like crazy!"
Henry: "I wuv eww cazy!"
And then he always ends it by saying "I wuv eww BIG MUCH!" 😂

---Sometimes he says naughty little phrases like "Hey! Get out my way!" or "Leave me lone!" and it's realllllly hard not to laugh. And speaking of phrases, he's started saying several that start with "Yep" like "Yep, that's right." and "Yep, that's it.". We were reading "Katy and the Big Snow" the other night and we were looking for Katy on the page. When we found her he said "Yep, dat's her all right." in the most solemn tone. I'm still laughing about that one! 

---The other day I was handing him pieces to his train track and telling him how to build it, and every time I handed him one he'd say "Daydoo!" which is how he says "Thank you". Then he randomly said "I wuv doing dis wiff eww." 😭 After we were finished he said "Daydoo olping (helping) me wiff dis, Mama." I could seriously EAT HIM UP!

---Henry says "Yes sir!" to everybody, and it's super cute and funny. It's always when he's excited about something, like if I ask if he wants a popsicle or to go to the park or to watch T.V.  He always gives a resounding "Yes sir!" He's also started saying "Yes I guess so" if we do something like ask for a bite of his food, or for a hug. 😂

---Last year Henry would say "one more" when he wanted us to repeat something; now he says "Lets do den!" (Let's do it again). He says it any time we do something that makes him laugh, and how can we say no?!

It would take many more blog posts to recount all that this sweet boy says, but I'm glad to have put a little snippet down in writing. I don't ever want to forget how quirky, silly, smart, sweet, and AMAZING Henry is at this age! 


  1. Henry is so smart. I love that you are doing this blog. Everyday life is the stuff great memories are made of. Now it is written down for good keeping.


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