COVID19 Quarantine--Week 1
We, along with everyone else in the country, have had a strange couple of weeks due to a new strain of Coronavirus that's spreading throughout the world. The first case was seen in Wuhan, China in December, and in a matter of months, it has touched almost every part of the world. It's unbelievable!
As of a week and a half ago, schools are dismissed nationwide, group gatherings have ceased, stores are shut down, restaurants are take-out only. Concerts, sporting events, and plays have all been cancelled or postponed.
For us personally, the consignment sale I participate in has been postponed, we cancelled our visit to Hattiesburg, Henry's soccer season has been delayed and his school is closed, we are most likely not going to be able to have a first birthday party for Claire, we will no longer be attending the Braves game at the end of April that I gave Caleb tickets to for his birthday. My Bible study and book club have been cancelled. We're only seeing friends virtually. Caleb is working from home, but we are thankful he still has a job whereas many have lost theirs. It is a crazy time right now!
With all that being said, I wanted to document what we will be doing during these weeks, as well as share my thoughts and feelings about it all. The kids won't remember this time, but I want to show them how we handled things during what is and will be a major historical event. Caleb was still at work until Friday of this first week, so the kids and I had some fun on our own.
First of all, the memes coming out of all of this are HILARIOUS! I have a dozen or so saved on my phone, but this one makes me laugh every time.
We started the week by getting a piano! My mom has a friend who was getting rid of it, and we were thrilled to take it. We have some sweet guys in our family who helped get it moved, and we are really loving it. Caleb and I are mostly using it right now, but I can't wait for the kids to take lessons one day!
We got our Easter decorations down over the weekend and then Henry and I decorated on Monday. He loves pulling everything out of the box and "remembering" things from last year. I have such fond memories of doing the same thing as a kid, so I try to make it special for Henry too.
We made an Oreo pudding cake one day and LOVED having it to eat all week long. Baking treats every week definitely needs to become something we do regularly. 😜
God has benevolently given us some beautiful weather, which is such a saving grace during this time when we can't go anywhere. I took the kids on the wagon ride and oh my goodness! I couldn't even handle Claire sitting there eating out of a snack cup. When did she get so big?!
Henry and I had fun with Play-Doh during Claire's morning nap, and I was thrilled to get a picture of a genuine smile. He was hysterically laughing because the Play-Doh was making tooting noises as he extruded it. 😂😆
More play time outside that consisted of...
...and another afternoon wagon ride!
We had a great week that, all in all, wasn't too different from our norm. Henry asked me twice if he was going to see Ms. Elizabeth (his teacher) and it broke my heart to tell him that no, school is closed for now. He was disappointed, but he soon bounced back. I'm thankful that he's easily distracted and that he's fairly easy to entertain. I'm sure we'll get bored at home if this goes on for too much longer, but for now we have PLENTY to do to occupy our days.
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