Three Things
The kids are constantly changing and doing new things, so I thought it was time to do another Three Things post! Here's a bit about everyone in our family right now.
Henry has a new favorite game and when he first started it, it was really funny. But now I'm not gonna's gotten a little annoying. 😂 He likes to play that he's the dad and Caleb and I are his sons and he literally just calls us "son" and "other son" and makes us call him dad in every sentence we say. Hahaha I'm laughing as I type this, because it really is pretty funny. he says "Son, I've got a surprise for you. You have to close your eyes." and he gets his 4 stuffed dogs, Spot, Matt, Windsor, and Cody and I have to be like "Wow! What cute dogs!" and if I don't say "Dad" somewhere in there, he'll say "Dad?" and I repeat "Wow! What cute dogs, dad!" and then he says "Yeah son, I got them at the animal shelter. You want to pet them, son?" And then he'll say "You want to pet them too, other son?" when he talks to Caleb. We often go on father/son beach trips as well where he gets his steering wheel and drives me to the beach. The other day I asked where the mom is and he said "She died. Sorry, son." It's pretty hysterical except that he basically doesn't call me Mommy anymore at all. I'm pretty much ALWAYS referred to as son. He even told Amanda about this game on the phone and said that she needed to play it with Evelyn and Caroline. Hahaha! He's SUCH A GOOF!
We always say a blessing before eating a meal, and then we pray with Henry at bedtime. Occasionally we'll ask if Henry wants to pray and he'll either say yes or no, but in the last few weeks, he's pretty much hijacked saying prayers. At meals, if Caleb or I say that we're going to pray, he says "I want to pray." and of course we always let him. And every single time he says "Thank you God for this food we pray Amen." as one big sentence. 😂 On Claire's birthday, we told him to be sure to thank God for Claire and so for 4 days, at all 3 meals, he prayed "Thank you God for Claire's birthday and for Mimi and Papa and Nana and Derek and Kendra and Amanda and Stephen and giving them cupcakes Amen." Caleb and I tried not to bust out laughing every time he started the birthday prayer.
Henry says some funny little catchphrases right now that I have to write down somewhere. He says "last earlier" when he's talking about anything that happened in the past, like "Last earlier when I was a baby, I played with that last earlier.". He also says "every single time" a lot, but he pronounces it "erry dingle dime" and says it as one word so it sounds like "errydingledime". He'll say "Claire goes into my room errydingledime!" One thing Henry says a lot when he's angry is "not at all!" and it never makes sense the way he uses it and it makes us laugh so hard. For instance, if we tell him that it's time to come inside and take a bath, he might yell "Not at all!", or if we say it's time to turn off the T.V., he might say "No! Not at all!". He says "mad guys" (instead of bad) and he's also been saying "it's not possible" and "I've never seen this before!" about random things, and it always makes me chuckle.
Claire is seriously a human tornado who destroys everything in her path in a matter of seconds. She's SO BUSY every second that she's awake, and she loves to open cabinets and drawers and pull books off the shelves. She puts everything in her mouth and we usually have to remove some little object from her mouth at least once a day. I planted tulips in a pot on the back patio and she ripped one out of the soil so fast that I didn't have time to stop her, and I was sitting right there watching her. 😂 Caleb and I both say that we don't remember Henry being this destructive, but he also had more undivided attention, so it could just be that we watched him more closely. Either way, she's definitely a curious little girl who wants to touch and explore everything!
There is nothing sweeter to me than a baby girl's maternal instincts coming out, and Claire's definitely have been! She loves to "take care" of dolls and stuffed animals by hugging and cuddling them, patting them on the back, and bouncing them. She also watches me wash Henry's hair in the bath and then tries to help by grabbing his hair and hitting him upside the head with the rinse cup. Haha! She's Sometimes she'll take a washcloth and try to wipe Henry's face too. She's such a mess, but she has a good heart. 😊
Give Claire a good beat and she'll start dancing, anytime, anywhere. She does a little half squat and bounces up and down, unless she's in the high chair and then she violently rocks back and forth until her high chair sounds like it will fall apart. Ha! Her favorite song is the theme song to "Puppy Dog Pals". She dances SO HARD whenever she hears it, and sometimes we play it on our phones just to watch her dance. She's the life of the party!
Caleb is beginning his 6th week of working from home, and I don't know what we'll do when he goes back! We love eating lunch together everyday and because his job is flexible, he can usually jump up to help me with something if I need him. It's been so nice to have another adult in the house all day!
I've picked up a little side hustle to go along with VIP Kid; I've been delivering groceries with Instacart! My friend, Sara, got me signed up and I've already made over $60 by doing just 3 grocery runs for people (and on 2 of those I actually did our grocery shopping too!) I'm really enjoying it! I'm also getting signed up to do Shipt, but have to wait on my card to come in before I can start. It's some good money for easy work!
Caleb and I decided at the end of 2019 that in 2020, we wanted to pay off all of our debt (other than mortgage). Thankfully it was just one auto loan and a HELOC from when we had to replace our A/C unit last summer, and it only totaled around $12,000, but on one income, we thought it would take us the whole year to pay off if we worked really diligently. Well due to hard work and unexpected blessings (like a big tax refund and the COVID-19 stimulus money), we paid off the car loan on April 15th, and the HELOC will be paid off on April 30th with our next paycheck. We cannot believe that we will be debt free after only 4 months!
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