We celebrated Henry's birthday all weekend and it was just the best. I love celebrating his birthday every year and making it fun and special for him, but this is the first year where I thought "He really deserves all of the attention and love and gifts." It just made it so much more fun knowing what a wonderful little boy he has become over the past year. Not that he hasn't always been great, but he's grown and matured so much since his 4th birthday, and is really stepping more and more into his own unique personality and developing some really strong character qualities. So I just enjoyed it even more than normal. :)
We started the fun on Saturday morning with a dinosaur themed birthday party. 
We had Publix subs and popcorn chicken, chips, fruit, and Bagel Bites. :)

I made a chocolate cake and vanilla cupcakes with chocolate icing, chocolate sprinkles, and chocolate rocks. They were so cute and yummy!
My sister has the hook up on a moon bounce, and the kids LOVED it! Also, I made my first balloon garland and was surprised at how easy it was and how cute it turned out.
We had a dino dig site and buried dinosaur skeletons, rocks, and gem stones and it was probably the biggest hit at the party. The kids clustered around and dug forever! Definitely going to have to remember this for my kids in the future. We also had a table set up with wooden cut out dinosaurs and markers for the more artistic kiddos. :)
Party favors were dino grabbers and bags of dino chow.
We are blessed with some of the best friends!
Henry got so many awesome gifts; a play-doh kit, sticker book, Duplo blocks, action figures, art supplies, and a new bike, just to name a few. He was so excited!
On Sunday morning (which was Henry's actual birthday), we took turns giving him "words of life" before he opened presents. Caleb and I told him some of the things we love about him and/or some of the things about him that make of proud. When it was Claire's turn she said her favorite thing to do with Henry was to run around and chase each other, then she told him happy birthday and they hugged. It was so sweet! We gave him a castle, Magic Treehouse books, the game Trouble, a set of plastic "professional" figures (he's super into "figures" right now after reading "The Indian in the Cupboard"!), and a puzzle. Claire gave him a plastic tarantula and snake that she picked out for him at Hobby Lobby. He LOVES them and I think they're totally creepy. But Claire was so excited to give him a gift!
I made pancakes for breakfast because they are Henry's favorite food and he ate 4. Not his record, but still a lot. 😂 We went to church, then lunch with Nana, Derek, and Kendra, and afterwards my parents came over to play with the kids while Caleb and I had small group. Papa helped Henry build his new marble run which Henry thinks is "totally awesome". :)
Henry requested hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for dinner, so that's what we had, followed by cheesecake with fruit. It was the best way to end a fun-filled birthday weekend!
There aren't enough words to describe how precious this little boy is to us, or how grateful we are to have him as a son. I am so excited to watch him grow and learn and change and mature over another year. He's simply the best!
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