It's hard to believe it, but our new baby is now 1.25 years old! He has blossomed over the last month and is showing so much personality and demonstrating so many new skills as he toes the line between baby and toddler.
George's favorite place to be is outside. In fact, we have to be careful when saying the word "outside" because as soon as he hears it, he goes to the door and says "side! side!". If we aren't actually intending to go outside at that moment, he gets very upset. :) He loves to ride in the wagon and the red push car, to swing, and to slide. He has recently learned how to climb the steps and go down the baby slide all by himself. He gives his booty a big scootch, and down he goes!

George has a really great attention span and there are several toys that will hold his attention for 10-15+ minutes at a time. He LOVES stacking rings, cups, and blocks, putting shapes or pegs into holes, pushing buttons, transferring objects from one container to another...these things keep him entertained for much longer than I remember they did for either of the other kids. George also loves the Usborne "Touchy-Feely" books and the Melissa & Doug "Poke-a-Dot" books. He frequently gets books or toys from his room and carries them around in hopes of enticing someone to read or play. It usually works. :)
I think it comes from watching older siblings, but George already has a bit of an imagination. He cooks in Claire's kitchen and also likes to sit at the table to eat. He "drinks" imaginary beverages and "eats" imaginary food and then says "Mmmm!". He also likes to force feed it to others. π
George has had 8 teeth for a while, but is currently cutting 6 more; top and bottom molars and bottom incisors! One of his favorite things to do is brush his teeth. We didn't even realize how much he knew until about 3 weeks ago when I mentioned that we needed to brush his teeth before bed. All of a sudden he wandered off and when I got up to follow him, he was in the bathroom on the stool at the sink! Now all we say is "Time to brush your teeth!" and off he goes to the bathroom. He's such a big, smart boy!

Over the last few weeks, George has started saying so many words! He says "mama", "dada", "wa-wa"(water), "ba"(bottle), "da" (either dog or donkey, depending on the context π), "uh-oh", "shoes", "side" (outside), "tee" (teeth), "day-doo" (thank you), "ma" (more), "ca" (car), "see". He will repeat the words "tongue", "sissy" and "mouth". He knows what a dog and a cow say, and sometimes what a donkey and rooster says. I've sung the Christmas song "Dominic the Donkey" to him (he got a stuffed donkey for Christmas), and so anytime he sees a picture of a donkey or hears the word, he starts singing "La la la la la". Haha!

George was born big and has stayed big! At his 15 month check up, he was over 28lbs and was over 30" tall, which put him off the growth chart. He's wearing mostly 2T clothes and size 7 diapers. His shoes are 6s and 7s, which is what Claire was wearing just 8 months ago. We are so curious to see if he'll stay tall or if he'll just be an average sized adult. Guess we have to wait a while to find out, which is okay with me! He drinks a bottle of whole milk right after waking up, and then eats a banana before he has his real breakfast, is hangry by 11:30, and screeches for a snack immediately following his afternoon nap. Speaking of naps, he still is taking 2 naps a day, but I can't imagine it will last much longer. He also is still using a paci when he sleeps, which is why I think he loves to sleep so much! π

This little baby has brought the greatest joy to our home. It's pretty safe to say that he's currently the favorite member of our family; we all want his attention and affection and are pretty much just putty in his fat little hands. :)
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