Christmas 2022
We had the sweetest Christmas this year! We did a lot of things and made a lot of memories, but it also felt relaxed and laid back. Also the kid's ages were just super fun this year! We decorated our tree and and house...

...and got to see our two favorite little singers in the school Christmas program!
Claire and I went to see the Nutcracker...
...and Caleb took the kids to the Galaxy of Lights while I was sick with a cold.
We walked through the Tinsel Trail with our small group...
...and checked out Christmas lights around town.
We decorated Christmas cookies...
...and gingerbread houses.
We went to Centreville to celebrate Christmas with both sides of Caleb's extended family...
...and got to see his dad, Dion, for the first time in 3 years! We spent Christmas Eve at Nana and Derek's house and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner and sweet gifts! Claire got a doll stroller, beauty salon set, a Wellie Wisher doll, and a PBK sleeping bag like Henry has. Henry got a rock tumbler, a Magna Tiles set, a box of Lincoln Logs, and a Lego set. George got a vacuum cleaner, car track, Mickey Mouse, and a toy backhoe.
We had the sweetest Christmas morning at home with stockings and gifts, breakfast with my parents and aunt, and a visit from Nana and Derek. We gave Henry an aircraft carrier toy that he wanted, new pajamas, a book, and the game Headbandz. Claire got a dollhouse, new ballet dress, a book, and a Disney memory game. George got a Little People Hot Wheels track, and they all got a stuffed animal.
Claire gave Henry a Lego set and he gave her 2 charms for her charm bracelet and a panda bear keychain. I love watching them get excited to give a gifts to each other!
The only thing Claire specifically asked for were earrings, and her Christmas wish came true with a big box of the cutest clip-ons. Now she changes her earrings multiple times a day along with her clothes. :)
Henry is so fun to give gifts to because he is genuinely excited for everything. Look show happy he was to open pajamas. Ha!
Since Dion was flying from Canada and wouldn't have time to do Christmas shopping, he gave us some money to pick out gifts for the kids. He gave Henry a Ninjago Lego, Magna Tiles building set, a sticker book, and a cover for his Yoto player. Claire got a baby doll, coloring pad, purse, and stamp set, and George got a scooter from Grandaddy.
After George's nap, we went to my parent's (where I didn't take a single picture!) and Henry got more Legos and a kinetic sand set, Claire got some dolls and art supplies, and George got a book and an Early Works membership. :) These kids RACKED UP on the gifts this year, but it was all such great stuff that they are already enjoying so much, and I know will bring fun for a long time to come!
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