George's 2nd Birthday
We celebrated George's 2nd birthday earlier this month! He loves rockets, so I decided on a rocket/outer space themed party. It was a small gathering with family on the Saturday before his birthday and it was perfect!
My favorite part was the cake topper I made with my Circuit. Georgie ready for blast off! 😁
The party was at 3:00, so we served some of George's favorite snacks; applesauce pouches, fruit, cheese, chips and dip, and then to go with the theme, Star Crunch cookies. :)

We were so thankful to have Mamaw and Daddy Wayne make the trip to celebrate with us!
George got a bunch of sweet gifts including a toy lawn mower and leaf blower, drawing board, broom/mop set, cars and trucks, and Duplos. He is still enjoying his new toys!
George's actual birthday fell on a Wednesday this year, and since Caleb had to work and Henry and Claire both had school, we let him open presents that morning before everyone left. We gave him a guitar, a driving dashboard, and a space shuttle Duplo set.
The guitar was the biggest hit. :)
The kids asked George the night before what he wanted for his birthday breakfast and he said "muffins", so that's what I made. We stuck a candle in his muffin and sang Happy Birthday. :)
George and I had a sweet day at home together, and I made one of his favorite meals for dinner...SPAGHETTI! He cleans his plate and then yells "Pastaaaaa!" until we get him more. Haha! Since we had cake at his party and he's too young to care, we just did ice cream for his birthday dessert. We put a couple candles in his ice cream and sang to him again, and I think he felt very loved and special!
A few things about George right now that I don't want to forget: He is relatively sweet and easy for a toddler and is amazing at playing by himself. He dropped his morning nap at 20 months (I was amazed he held on for so long!), but now he will still get in his bed in the mornings several days a week for an hour to an hour and a half and play with toys. He'll say "cars in bed" or "books in bed" and then go throw some toys and books in the crib and sit in there and play until I go get him. He is SO content and happy to play like this. He also LOVES music; dancing, singing, and pretending to play instruments. The T.V. doesn't hold his attention for more than 2-3 minutes, but listening to music will occupy him for 30+ minutes at a time. He loves anything with a good beat and will sway back and forth, tap his foot, or slap his knee to certain songs. We are hoping he'll grow up to be musically talented! He has the quirkiest love for water towers, and can spot them from far away when we're in the car. Caleb and I didn't even know so many water towers existed in Huntsville until George pointed them out. Haha! He says "Water tower! Water tower! Water tower!" over and over again when he spots one, and has even found a couple in book illustrations. It's hilarious! He is the clown in our family and loves to tell jokes to make everyone laugh. He answers almost every question with a lispy "yeth", or sometimes an emphatic "No, NOO!" We are all, Henry and Claire included, wrapped around his fat little finger and melt at his attention and affection. He is one special little boy, and we are so, SO grateful that he's ours!
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