Henry's 18-Month Update

Today, Henry is 18 months old, and I can hardly believe we're only 6 months away from his 2nd birthday! These past 3 months have probably been my favorite so far; I absolutely LOVE this stage we're in! I'm pretty positive I'll say this again at some point, but if I could freeze Henry at any age, it would be 18 months. He is so fun to play with, can follow any verbal instructions we give him, communicates most of his needs, and is still all about his mommy. 😊 What more could I ask for?!

Now that it's getting warm, we spend A LOT (basically all!) of our time outside. Henry loves to dig in the dirt, go on walks, slide, water the flowers, get the mail...being outside is his favorite!

Henry is talking A TON and honestly says too many words for me to count. I'll list a few of his top words as he pronounces them, and put the real word in parentheses. 😉 I've become very fluent in Henry-speak. His favorite word right now is probably truck. He points at any vehicle and yells "DUCK!" (Truck). He loves ice and will point to a cup and say "Aye?" (Ice). He's been saying "Nana" for several weeks, but he started saying "Mimi" within the last 2 weeks, as well as "Mam'a" (Amanda) and "Diddalie" (Caroline, and it's the funniest). He'll look at me and say "Mam-a?" and I'll tell him that Amanda's at work right now. Then he'll say "Oh. Mimi?" and I say Mimi's at home right now, and he'll go on through all the family he can name. It's so sweet! He's obsessed with his bubble mower and anytime we're outside he'll say "Mow!" and start looking for it. He can name lots of animals: dog, duck, pig, mouse, spider, frog, and fish are ones that he can point to in a book and call by name. He also knows pretty much every animal sound that we can think of to teach him. LOL. My mom bought Henry a bunch of Donut Man DVD's for Easter (a Christian show we grew up watching), and it's about his favorite thing ever. At least twice a day he'll say "Meh!" (man), and I know he's wanting to watch the Donut Man. After we read a book at bedtime he'll say "Mo-more" (One more). It's just so amazing how his vocabulary expands every day! We're constantly amazed by the stuff he's saying.

Henry says "Yeah" to pretty much anything you ask him, so we're working on getting him to say either "Yes ma'am/sir" or "Yes please". I'll ask if he wants a snack and he says "Yeah." and I'll say "Yes, ma'am?" and he says it, but it sounds like "Yeah, yeah!" When he wants something and he's whining we'll say "What do you say when you want something?" and he says "Teeeees!" for please. It's SO cute and I would pretty much give him whatever he asked for! 

I love that he still has a squishy baby face when he sleeps! 😍

These two little cousins have gotten into their fair share of fights over the last few months. Sometimes they can be so sweet, and then other times she's snatching his toys and he's grabbing handfuls of her hair. Amanda said that she kind of wants to throw them in a padded room with one toy and watch what happens....and I don't disagree. 😉


We have a little trouble maker on our hands! Henry has started climbing on everything; his crib, his slide, the coffee table, the couch....we are having to watch him extra carefully!

This made me laugh so hard. I looked at the monitor and Henry was staring at the camera crying "Mama!" 😂

Pretending to use the oven 😂

Personal umbrella holder...this kid has played his cards right. 😂

We are told all the time by Henry's teachers at school and church how sweet he is. They say he's so easy and never causes any problems. I'm glad he's sweet in public cause he can sure be a stinker at home! LOL. His teachers at school also say how smart he is, and they're always surprised by how many words he can say. He pointed to a star on the wall and said "star" and it just blew them away. I told them that we think he's smart, but we don't know any other 18 month olds to compare him to, and they assured me that he is! 😉


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