Three Things

Andrea at Momfessionals occasionally does a "Three Things" post where she shares three little tidbits about each of her kids. It's a great way to document some of the little things that go on from day to day, so I thought I'd give it a go!

Henry has started talking SO much, and has these hilarious little catchphrases that he says all the time. "Oopsie, sorry!", "Aw man!", and "Follow me." are ones we hear a lot. Whenever he's looking for someone or something he'll say the name followed by "Are you?" instead of "Where are you?"  Caleb had gone to the bathroom over the weekend and Henry was looking for him and he said "Dada, are you?" then he turned to me and shrugged and said "Hm...must back work." I laughed so hard! Just this morning I told him that daddy was coming home for lunch and he said "Huh...know 'bout that." and now he's said it several times when I've told him something he didn't know. He says it with the cutest inflection, like he's saying "I had no idea!".  Hearing him express his ideas and opinions has been so fun and exciting!

We've had lots of changes around here already this year! We transitioned Henry out of his old room/crib into his new room with a twin bed, we've been working on potty training, and Henry went to his first dentist appointment! He has done amazingly well, which really didn't surprise me. He loves his new room so much, and sleeps great in the bed. He didn't have any fear about either one, and made the transition so smoothly. Potty training is going really well, and Henry pretty much only pees in the potty. #2 is a little hit or miss as to whether or not in happens in the potty, but I'm just trying to be patient with him and remember that we've made great strides and eventually it will all click. We went out twice on Saturday for about 2 hours each time and Henry wore underwear and didn't have any accidents! He's doing a GREAT job! And then we had a wonderful experience at the dentist. Henry wasn't super willing to show his teeth, but there were no tears or screaming so we all considered it a win! He goes back this summer and I know he'll be even more comfortable next time. Caleb and I are so proud of the way our sweet boy has handled all the new stuff coming his way, and love getting to watch him grow up!

Before Christmas, I searched and searched for games that were ages 2 and up, but there really aren't any that I could find. I bought Hi-Ho Cherry-O to save for when he's 3, but then we pulled it out a couple weeks ago when we were looking for something to do and Henry's actually pretty good at it! He counts the cherries with us as he drops them in his bucket, and then he'll say "Mama's turn!" or "Daddy's turn!" If he spins the dog or the bird he'll say "Put one back." and get one out of his bucket. He's actually won most of the games we've played by chance, but when I've won he'll say "Yay mama!" and clap for me, and the same with Caleb. 😂 He's too young to understand or care about winning and it's so sweet! 

Our 2019 is off to a great start! We only have 10.5 weeks or so until our second baby arrives, and we're ready and excited about what's yet to come!


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