11 Things About Our 11 Month Old
Yesterday, Henry turned 11 months old, and I had so much fun last month with 10 Things About Our 10 Month Old that I thought I'd do it again! Henry has really begun transitioning from "baby" to "big kid" this month, and while I wish time would slow down, it's SO FUN to see his personality come out and watch him learn and explore.
1) Henry spent the whole summer eating fresh peaches that my mom picked up weekly in Hartselle, and by the end of peach season, he was eating them like apples! He first did it at my parent's house when he grabbed a peach out of the basket, sat on the floor, and started chomping away. After that, we'd just hand him the peach and let him go to town. Watching him eat them was seriously hilarious. He'd suck the juice and eat all the way to the pit.
2) Henry's language skills have really noticeably improved this month, and he can now tell us that cows say "mooooo" and dogs say "woof woof", as well as imitate us when we say "thank you" and "all done". He'll sometimes repeat "done done" after finishing a meal, and he'll also say "daaaaaaa doo" after we say "thaaaaank you". It's pretty much the cutest thing ever!
3) Henry has really started giving us a run for our money. He is into EVERYTHING, and will open the kitchen cabinets and pull out dishwashing tablets, sponges, and cleaning products (I don't keep much under the sink, so there's not anything too dangerous for him). Then he'll open drawers and pull dozens of Ziploc bags out of the boxes before I can catch him. We are pretty much constantly cleaning up after him, and we have started looking into childproofing just to prevent the mess.
4) Leaving the house has become somewhat of a nightmare because Henry now HATES getting in his carseat. It has started taking a good 2-3 minutes just to get him seated to be able to buckle him. He twists around and stands up in his seat and then buckles his legs when we try to seat him. We're hoping that it'll get a little better when his carseat is forward facing.
I was so frustrated, but couldn't help but snap a picture when he looked at me with that smile. His face was red from screaming and crying. 😂
5) Bath time is still a favorite time of day, and Henry will happily play for 20-30 minutes before we make him get out. He loves to suck water out of washcloths, grab the toilet paper roll with his wet hands, pull the soap into the tub, stand up and turn on the water...basically still making a mess. 😊
6) Henry started a little Mother's Morning Out program at a local church, and he goes Monday and Wednesday mornings. He seems to enjoy it, and the two teachers told me that he is SO happy and that they wish they had him every day. There are 5 other babies in the class, and I love seeing Henry interacting with them when I go to pick him up.
7) We read to Henry every night while he drinks his bottle, and right now we're reading Charlotte's Web. I know he's too young to understand the story, but there is so much research about the benefits of reading to your baby, no matter what you read. The story was one of my childhood favorites, and I can't wait until he can enjoy it one day too!
8) Henry has taken notice of Louie this month, and he loves him! When Louie walks into the room, Henry takes off after him. Poor Louie puts up with a lot! Henry doesn't understand how to be gentle, and he ends up smacking Louie on the back and pulling his fur. 😂
9) Although he's constantly on the move, Henry's pretty cuddly. If I lay down on the floor near where he's playing, he'll stop what he's doing, crawl over to me with a huge smile, and lay on top of me. When I rock him at night, he puts his arms around my neck and lays with his head on my shoulder. It absolutely melts my heart, and I try to soak up every single moment!
10) Henry LOVES his cousins, and although he's too young to really play with them, he follows Evelyn and Caroline around and lights up when they talk to him. Amanda took a video last week of Henry laughing at Evelyn, and it was literally the hardest he has EVER laughed! I can't wait until he's a little older and they can all run around together. They're going to be best buds!
11) Henry has started drinking whole milk mixed with his formula at night, and I think he loves it! He'd gotten to a point where he would only drink 3-4 ounces of his 6 ounce bottle of formula, but now that we're doing 3 ounces of each, he sucks every drop. I don't blame him; if formula tastes like it smells, it's pretty nasty!
That's a look at our little angel this past month. I CANNOT believe that next month he'll be a year old. It breaks my heart just a little bit, and I'll probably shed a few tears. But I'm also SO incredibly grateful to get to watch him grow up and become his own little person. Thank you Lord, for such a precious gift!
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