COVID-19 Quarantine--Week 3

Still going strong on week 3 of quarantine! We found plenty to keep us busy, and enjoyed some FaceTime calls with family. I got a little sad on Sunday evening because I flipped to the month of April in my calendar and saw all of the things I had written; birthday celebrations, family visits, Easter plans. It upset me to see all of these things that will no longer be happening, and I went to bed feeling pretty down and anxious. Luckily the next morning brought new hope, and I decided to focus on the things I can control, like having fun through this crisis. 

This meme is SUCH an accurate depiction of life right now. Hahaha!

I went to Earth Touch on Saturday morning and bought some flowers for our new window planter. It was their last day open for a while, so I'm glad I went when I did. Caleb and Henry rode bikes around the driveway for awhile, and we enjoyed the beautiful weather. 
We had a movie night on Saturday after Claire went to bed. Caleb picked up Icee's, I popped popcorn, and we watched The Peanuts Movie. It was fun and we loved the movie!
 I made an assortment of pancakes on Sunday morning (plain, chocolate chip, and blackberry!) and they were soooo fluffy and delicious. This was a new recipe I tried and it is definitely my new go-to! We watched church online...
...and then played outside all afternoon. I bought Henry a little terra-cotta pot to paint and put a plant in and I had to exert much self-control to not interfere with his project. :) 
We tried a couple of new sensory bins; one with water and pompoms...
...and one with water beads. Henry loved both and was entertained for a long time! 
I pulled out a bottle of shaving cream that I literally bought 2 years ago for an activity and never used. We did a little experiment with a shaving cream "cloud" that rained the colored water we added...
...and then we added food coloring to a big ol' pile of shaving cream and Henry got messy and had fun mixing colors. He would put his hand in and then immediately want it washed, and after the 3rd time I told him no more shaving cream. 😂
One morning we did kinetic sand and it was SO fun. I loved it as much as Henry. Ha! We used a ladle to make a dome and then Henry said "Let's make Jesus' tomb!" so we carved out a hole and rolled a stone in the front and Henry told the story of the Resurrection. Sweet boy!
We spent nearly every afternoon outside. Check out Claire on Henry's scooter! Hahaha! She found that it dual functions as a walker, and she's enjoyed pushing it all over the yard. 
We have been so blessed with beautiful weather during this whole thing. Quarantine would be much harder without it! 
Henry and Claire played in the hose and washed their wagon...
...and then Caleb got some boxes out of the attic for me and the kids had the best time looking through my old stuffed animals. 😂 Claire found a couple that she carried around and then Henry took several. He asked me to cut the tags off of some Beanie Babies and it went against everything I'd been taught as a child. Haha!
 We ordered pizza on Friday night and had a picnic in the garage. The temperature was PERFECT. Afterwards, I filled some little bowls with jellybeans, M&M's, and chocolate eggs and Henry snacked on them while riding his bike in the driveway. That night he said that eating candy was the best part of his day. 😂
Tonight, our governor issued a stay at home order for the remainder of the month, so looks like we have several more weeks of this. Then I pray the tides will change and we can go back to normal life, but who knows? I'm grateful that for now we are having so much fun! 

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