11 Things About Our 11 Month Old
I cannot believe the day is here, but George is 11 months old! It's only right that I do a post about him like I did about HENRY and CLAIRE and it's so fun to compare them all at this age! I love that the things I have to say about George as so different from the other two, just like he is!
George is the most gigantic baby I have ever seen. I know that I'm prone to hyperbole, but this is one time I'm not exaggerating. George is almost off the growth charts for weight and height, so I know he actually is one of the biggest babies out there. 😂 He is wearing 18 month clothing (even a few 24 months!) and a size 6 diaper. I joke that we're going to be buying adult diapers if he gets any bigger, but seriously, what will we do if he outgrows baby diapers?! Haha! George weighs 25lbs, which is 3lbs less than Claire. He's just huge!
Bulldozer, steam roller, snow plow, any other piece of heavy equipment; George mows down anyone and anything in his path. If he sees something he wants or has somewhere he wants to go, he just goes, regardless of whether there are toys, clothing, books, or frankly his beloved family members in the way. We are all obstacles to be crawled on and over, and his large size only works to his advantage.
Caleb calls George a komodo dragon because of the way he crawls. He literally looks like some kind of large reptile when he's on the move. His whole body sways back and forth and he's really fast. Once Caleb said it, I can't unsee it. He's the lizard king in our house.
This is the analogy I've come up with to describe George in the bathtub; he looks like an obese drunk person on a slip n' slide that's covered with $100 bills. Not that I've ever seen such a thing, but after seeing George in the tub, I know what it would look like. He LOVES the bath, like cannot contain his excitement when the water comes on. He shrieks and squeals and laughs hysterically, all while crawling like a steam-rolling komodo dragon and sliding around everywhere. He slips and falls at least once during every bath because he won't stop moving. Henry and Claire don't like being in the tub with him because he won't stop crawling over them. They literally have to trade places with him repeatedly because he won't stop going from end to end. And I haven't even mentioned the splashing! He splashes so hard that he get the shower walls, the floor, the rug, and the toilet wet, not to mention the people in the tub with him! So bless his heart, his baths only last 2-3 minutes before he is forcibly removed or the other children petition us to get him out. But they are the best 2-3 minutes of his day.
George is the first of our babies to take a paci! He has always seemed to comfort suck and went through a spell earlier in the year when he sucked his thumb as he was falling asleep. Over the summer, I used the paci while we were out of town to help him fall asleep easier for naps, and since then, it's a necessary part of bedtime. He has slept through the night almost every single night for months, ever since I bought a paci clip to keep it attached to his sleep sack. I don't know how it will be when it comes time to wean him off it, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there!
This is one way in which George is exactly like his sister; he'll eat ANYTHING. He loves meal time so much and he'll cry if it's taking too long to get his food on the table. He flaps his arms up and down and starts making cooing sounds when he sees his food coming. We've had to start buckling his high chair because he has climbed out of his seat and crawled onto the table multiple times trying to reach his food. He gets violently angry if he sees someone else eating and isn't given something too. He just loves to eat!
A couple of weeks ago, George started standing on his own! He holds on to something while pulling up, but then lets go and stands all by himself. He is SO proud and beams the sweetest smile when he's standing. It won't be long now before he takes his first steps!
George will say "mama", but usually only when he's upset. He crawls through the house crying going "mmmmmama. mmmmmama." Sweet little baby! It melts my heart just thinking about it. He makes lots of other sounds and noises, and has just started trying to say "more" at meal times. And actually today for the first time he repeated "uh oh", and then said it after dropping something off of his high chair. Haha!
Along with standing on his own, George waves, claps his hands, shakes his head, and will sometimes give kisses. He has 8 teeth which serve him well at meal time. He gets a water cup everyday just like the big kids and is down to 2 bottles of milk a day. It's hard to believe how fast he's growing up!-SIBLING LOVE-
Henry and Claire are both smitten with George, and I must say that the feeling is mutual. No one makes him laugh harder than his big brother and sister, and no one is better at entertaining him. They usually love having George "play" with them in their rooms and they are very diligent to make sure he isn't getting into trouble or danger. He and Henry love to wrestle together, and Claire loves to play peek-a-boo with George. They are the sweetest siblings!-COMEDIAN-
George makes us laugh so hard, and I think he finds himself funny as well. He loves to blow raspberries on us, which is funny except for how much he drools when he does it. He makes the funniest faces and loves to laugh at our reactions. He shakes his head back and forth and loves when we do it with him. He's gotten so interactive and I just love it!
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