2019 Review
I've been writing this post for a few weeks now, and I'm honestly having a hard time summing up the past year. It was so FULL and its memory is so precious. Words just don't do it justice! I will do my best to summarize it, for the sake of recording it.
We started our year in Marietta at Paul and Desiree's house, and included a trip to IKEA to pick up some cubbies for Henry's new room.
Henry moved in to his new room at the beginning of the month, and this is what his first nap out of his crib looked like. 😂 He faced 2 major transitions this month (big boy bed and potty training) and he handled them like a champ!
We spent many days inside playing with Henry's rice bin...
...and he upgraded to a big boy backpack that could fit his portable potty seat! :)
We lost my precious Grandmama at the end of January, and headed to Marietta again for her funeral. It was a wonderful weekend together, celebrating her life and her legacy.
Henry got some wooden play food as a reward for potty training and he began cooking many meals for his animals.
We celebrated Caleb's 29th birthday/Valentine's Day with a dinner for the 3 of us at Red Robin.
We had some warm fronts that allowed us to get outside...
...and we started working on baby sister's bedroom!
We squeezed in a quick trip to Atlanta to see Les Miserables at the Fox (but took no pictures), and then we had a family day the following weekend. We went to the Botanical Gardens to check out the Chinese lantern exhibits...
...and then we enjoyed pizza for dinner, followed by ice cream.
I had a pregnancy induced mental lapse and thought I wanted a dog three weeks before having a baby. We brought Lincoln home for two nights before my senses returned to me and we gave him back.
One of my all time favorite views; baby month is finally here!
The week of my due date, Henry and I started every morning with a long walk. We were ready to meet our baby!And finally, 2 days late, Claire Roberts arrived on April 14. Hands down the best thing that happened all year!
We celebrated our first Easter as a family of four when Claire was one week old...
...and Henry finally "got" the egg hunt!
Newborn snuggles abounded...
...and yard work started again for the boys.
We celebrated my 29th birthday on the 30th, but I honestly don't even remember what we did. 😂 I was in a newborn baby haze!
We spent tons of time playing outside...
...and went to Marietta for a baby shower our sweet cousins gave for Amanda and me.I got to spend my first Mother's Day as a mama of two...
...and we went back to Marietta for Memorial Day.
Hot dogs, homemade ice cream, swimming, family; this is my happy place!
Caleb transitioned jobs in June, which ended up being a huge blessing for our family.
We enjoyed a beautiful night downtown...
...and lunch at Chuck E. Cheese.We swam with cousins...
...and took Henry to see his first movie in theaters (Toy Story 4)!
Henry totally rocked being a big brother...
...and our two month old was FULL of smiles!
The BEST part of the month was welcoming Shepherd Thomas into the world on June 11th!
I randomly got very crafty this month, and Henry and I enjoyed making some cute things, like this fire-breathing dragon.
We picked blueberries......and made a blueberry craft.
We celebrated Fourth of July at Tracy and Derek's with family...
...and you guessed it, another craft! 😂
Caleb and I celebrated our 7th anniversary by taking the kids to Chattanooga to the Creative Discovery Museum, followed by a nice dinner.
Henry finally held Claire for the first time (!)...
...and we had a night of bowling with Nathan before he moved to Ohio.
Life was sweet with a 4 month old and a 34 month old! 😜
Claire warmed out hearts with the sweetest smiles...
...Henry started school at Twickenham in the 2's class...
...and we dedicated Claire to the Lord at our church.
We ended our month in the best way...at the BEACH!
We kicked the month off by spending Labor Day in Marietta. We cooked out, swam, enjoyed time with family...
...and Caleb went to a Braves game!
Our days were filled with laughter and play and happiness....
...and a little jumping bean named Claire!
October was a much anticipated month; our trip to DISNEY WORLD was finally here! I've been wanting to write a blog post with all of our pictures, but it's honestly just seemed like too much of an undertaking. This was SUCH a special trip for so many reasons, and it's just hard to put it into words. We had such a wonderful time!
Henry got to spend his 3rd birthday at Disney World! Is there a better way for a kid to spend their birthday?!
When we got home, we celebrated Henry with a Toy Story birthday party...
...and then we wrapped up the month with trick-or-treating with friends. Henry was a construction worker and Claire was a cute baby. 😉
We attended birthday parties three out of four weekends in November. Lots of cake for us! 😊
Henry and I witnessed the most magnificent sunset one night, and had the opportunity to talk about God's glory and splendor.
Thanksgiving was the last weekend in November this year, so we started our Christmas celebrations early with a walk-through at the Galaxy of Lights...
...and hand-me-down jammies for Claire! :)
We spent a lot of time traveling on Thanksgiving Day, and got to celebrate in Centreville with the Horton's, and then finished out the weekend in Marietta.

Claire discovered dogs and fell in love. Maybe we have a future veterinarian on our hands? 😜
The most wonderful time of the year! We packed our month with Christmas magic (which you can read about HERE and HERE), including matching pajamas...
..."It's a Wonderful Life" by twinkle lights...
...and even a light dusting of snow!
Claire began standing up anywhere and everywhere......and I mean EVERYWHERE. 😝
We celebrated Stephen's birthday with dinner at Shaggy's and listened to these two cousins jabber to each other...
...and then these cousins tore up the dance floor at Shelby's wedding!
We stayed home for New Year's Eve for the first time in several years, and had a very quiet night at home. It was the perfect end to a fantastic year!
This year been full of growth, change, and adjustment. We had plenty of hard days and sick days, and just plain bad days, but thank God we laughed more than we cried and we loved more than we fought. Our home was full of the joy that little children bring, therefore our hearts were full as well. I say with all sincerity that I greatly anticipate the days to come, and look forward to continuing life with my people in 2020!
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