COVID-19 Quarantine--Week 4

We've had another great week with lots of beautiful weather, Easter crafts, and of course, time together. :) 

We spent most of the day Saturday working in the yard; we did some planting in the front flower bed and then we planted some "Green Giant" trees outside of our back fence. These will grow to be 10'+ tall and will provide privacy for our yard. This is a project Caleb has been wanting to do for a while, so he was really excited! And of course Henry LOVED helping dig. 
We had another movie night to watch "Onward", complete with popcorn and candy. Henry has loved movie night so much and has been asking for another all week.
We got to go by Henry's school on Monday morning and see his teacher and get some end-of-the-year art and work. When I opened the garage door to leave, Henry said "Mommy, look! I see something!" Our beautiful irises at the end of the driveway had started blooming overnight! They are magnificent!  
We did several Easter themed crafts this week during Claire's nap time, including Q-tip painting an egg...
...a hatching chick... 
...and a tape resist cross. I planned all of these based on the fact that they are only 5 minute projects, and that's about all the time Henry cares to spend on them. 😜
We spent tons of time outside...
 ...and even pulled the high chair outside to enjoy a couple of meals on the patio.
I have a set of Resurrection Eggs that I made in Sunday school when I was in elementary school and Henry LOVES to use them to tell the Easter story. I read the Scripture that goes with each one while he opened them. We've done these several times, and I'm so glad he enjoys it so much. I pray the Easter story is rooted deep in his heart, and shapes the way he lives his life. 
One night we let the kids have popsicles in the bathtub. Claire wouldn't stop putting hers under water, but she would cry hysterically when I took it. So hers melted pretty quickly and then she was so upset when it was gone. Henry was so sweet and kept letting her take bites of his. (Kinda gross, but I was so proud of him for sharing!)
I cooked a lot of yummy dinners this week, including my first roast. I called my mom 4-5 times throughout the day to ask questions, but I guess I did it right because it was delicious! 
The most exciting part of my week was revamping my VIP Kid background. I took a teacher course on marketing yourself, and learned a lot of valuable information. I started brainstorming background ideas and all of a sudden this very specific vision came to me. I could hardly sleep that night because I was so eager to work on it! It took a couple days to complete, but it's EXACTLY what I had in mind! I cut the flowers, grass, clouds, and sun out of paper and taped them to a blue background and I'm seriously obsessed with the way it turned out! I'm going to re-do my introductory video in front of it, and hoping it will bring in more business. 

I loved this week so much, and I'm so excited as we go into the weekend. We have more Easter plans for Saturday and Sunday, and then Claire's 1st birthday is on Tuesday. I can't wait! 

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