2022 Recap
It literally feels like I was just recapping 2021, but also like a ton has happened between then and now. We had such a good year, and I can honestly say that I'm sad to see it go! We hit our stride with 3 kids in 2022; solid schedules, no sleepless nights, fun ages for making memories, strong bonds. It was sweet! So without further ado, here come approximately 500 photos from our year. :)
2022 started in an exciting way...with 4-5 inches of snow! It was very exciting for these Alabama kids (Caleb and me included π), but after 2 or 3 trips outside to play, I realized that I'm thankful I don't have to deal with the wet mess for more than a day or two. Haha!
Another exciting change was getting the kid's bathtub replaced and tiled, along with the floors! We were not happy to discover that the old tub had a crack, but also happy to have an excuse to do some updates, and very happy with the way it turned out!
We played lots of Pretty Pretty Princess......and had some weather that allowed up to go to the playground, on multiple occasions!
Claire saw her first movie in theaters (Sing 2!) and did great...
...and we also started the year with good intentions to implement a monthly family adventure day. We spent our first one at the Cook Museum in Decatur and loved it! (Spoiler alert: I think it was also our last family adventure day πππ)
This will have to be one of my favorite months of this whole year, because in February we loaded up the van and went to....
...Mickey bars...
...and cake pops, along with tons of popcorn and other delicious foods!
We saw our favorite characters...
...and princesses.
We were there with 2 other families who are some of our best friends, and there is no other word to describe it other than MAGICAL. π
Henry had his last haircut before Ms. Nancy retired at the end of December, and by mid-February he was in need of another. I have started cutting his hair every 4-6 weeks and I've gotta say, I think I've gotten pretty good at it!
We also celebrated Valentines Day with a dinner snack board for the kids, and I made one of Caleb's favorite dishes for his birthday!
Claire got an Elsa dress on our Disney trip, and we had a visit from Elsa everyday for months. :) This picture captures the epitome of Claire and I LOVE it. Princess dress, tons of jewelry, crown AND hairbow, makeup on the bed...as girly as you can get!
March brought some weather that had us outside in shorts one day...
...followed by snow a week later...
...and back to shorts 4 days later. π Crazy Alabama weather!
Henry started building some really cool train tracks...
...and creating all sorts of things out of things we were throwing out, including the jet pack pictured below. I just think he's a genius! :)
We ate green ice cream from Chick-fil-A for St. Patrick's Day...
...and then went swimming with friends. George LOVED the water!
To help reinforce letter recognition for Henry, we started playing A LOT of Sequence Letters. We played hundreds of rounds of this throughout the year and had the best time!
To wrap up the month, Caleb and Henry went to the Monster Jam truck show at the VBC!
April was a busy month of celebrations in our family! We had Claire's 3rd birthday...
...followed by Easter...
...an out of town wedding (my cousin's!)...
...and lots of t-ball in between! :)
We also celebrated my birthday at the end of the month with a family dinner.
May officially brought Spring weather, which meant lots of playgrounds...
...and yard work!
We celebrated Mother's Day...
...and a weekend beach trip with family for another cousin's wedding!
On the way home from the beach, we made a stop in Samson to see Great-Grandaddy...
...and traveled to Marietta for Memorial Day the next weekend! School also ended and we got to spend a lot of time at the library...
...and the pool! -JUNE-
June was such a fun month!! The kids had swim practice every morning at the pool, so we did a lot of swimming...
...and eating poolside treats.
The Jacksons spent a week in Huntsville and we saw them multiple times for all sorts of fun!
We spent hot afternoons inside doing art projects...
...or our summer book club.
Henry had his first eye exam...
...and we celebrated Father's Day with a hike before dinner at Five Guys.
The end of the month brought one of the highlights of our year...a couple's anniversary trip to Charleston with Shelley and Lamar! It seriously could not have been more wonderful and fun! We were ready to come home to our babies, but a few nights away was just what we needed!
July was apparently a busy month, because I have a ton of pictures! Henry and Claire graduated from swim lessons at the pool and got medals...
...but we still spent lots of afternoons swimming and eating treats. :)
We had our annual Fourth of July celebration at Tracy and Derek's house on the 3rd...
...and then went to a block party hosted by some sweet friends on the 4th!
Josh Groban came to Huntsville for the first time and performed at the Orion, and Amanda, Stephen, Mom, Caleb, and I got to attend the concert. It was amazing!!!
We had a visit from Mamaw and Daddy Wayne...
...and we took a trip to Flomaton, AL to stay with my Aunt Sheila for a couple nights. She lives in the house where my grandfather grew up, and where my Dad visited his grandparents as a boy. We used to go when I was a kid, but hadn't been back in over 15 years. It was SO fun to see how things had changed, but mostly how much they were the same. We spent all day Saturday at a nearby creek enjoying time with family we hadn't seen in years, a big picnic lunch, and hours and hours swimming and playing.
When we got back to the house, we bathed the kids and ordered pizza, and while Caleb and Stephen were picking it up, Claire fell asleep and couldn't even wake up to eat dinner. We were all exhausted, but had the best day!
I think the quiet country mornings put a spell on all of us...it was hard to leave on Sunday! The kids had so much fun and have talked many times about going back. When given the choice between Disney World, the beach, or Aunt Sheila's, Henry said he'd rather go to Aunt Sheila's. Haha! Now four generations of Moye kids have a connection to this home and this land, and that's pretty special.
We stopped in Birmingham on the way back to Huntsville and took the kids to the zoo. We had wanted to go before school started, and it worked out perfectly that we were driving through. It was the perfect weekend to wrap up our summer!
We kicked off August with a back to school dinner to get everybody pumped up for the big week!
Henry started Ms. Lindy's kindergarten class on Monday...
...Claire started Ms. Mary Ashley's 3's class on Wednesday...
...and George started Ms. Desiree's 1's class on Friday!
The kids missed the 2nd week of school, and we officially ended our summer, with a late beach trip with Tracy, Derek, and Kendra. It was such a fun few days of sunshine, sand, and family!
When we got home we got a home improvement itch and said goodbye to the yellowish kitchen walls...
...and also painted our cabinets! Here's a before...
...and almost finished. :)
This month, Henry started soccer...
...and Claire started ballet! This picture says it all about how she feels about ballet class. Haha!
I got to go on an overnight getaway to the lake with some of my best friends in the world...
...and my grandfather came to town for the first time in several years and we celebrated 3 generations of Moye men who have September birthdays! :)
September was apparently also the month for dental work. George had his first cleaning...
...and Henry had his first filling! He had a molar that had basically formed in utero with a tiny gap in it, and they told us when he was a toddler that one day it would need a filling. Well this was the year, and I was sooo nervous for him, but he did amazing and actually loved the whole experience so much that he's asked several times when he goes back to the dentist. π
October was such a sweet month! We started it off with the best news of all; we will be welcoming another baby in 2023! Yay!
We had an amazing fall break with a nature scavenger hunt on Green Mountain...

...Yogurt Mountain...
We also took a family trip to Tate Farms and had so much fun!
Caleb took our big kids to Honeycomb Campground for a night to camp (in an RV) with our good friends, the Dunaways. 2 dads and 4 kids made for quite an adventurous 24 hours! π
We also had a little biker gang roaming the neighborhood. ;)We celebrated Henry's sixth birthday with a party...
...and a trip to the Tennessee Aquarium.Unfortunately the stomach bug hit our house and took Claire down the Friday before Halloween. She and Caleb had to miss the school Halloween program, but I was still able to go see our firefighter perform...
...before he got sick too! Thankfully no one else got it, and we were able to bounce back enough for an hour or so of trick-or-treating. Trick-or-treating with our amazing neighbors who weren't afraid to be around us. π
This little puppy completely stole the show for me! -NOVEMBER-
We are so thankful for what is (so far) another healthy baby and pregnancy. We got our first look at Baby #4!...
...and got these gorgeous pictures of Baby #3. π I am truly in love!
Henry built more amazing train tracks...
... Claire started on a coloring kick......and George started spending about an hour most mornings playing in his bed with cars and books. :)
We prepared for Thanksgiving with another thankful turkey...
...and a lovely, festive dining table!
We didn't travel this year, but spent the morning at Tracy and Derek's for breakfast and the parade, and then hosted my family for Thanksgiving dinner. It was different, but good...

...and we ended with a game of Dirty Marbles, which was so fun!
We ended the month ushering in CHRISTMAS!!
December was another full and fun month! We celebrated George's 2nd birthday with a rocket themed party...
...and filled the month with Christmas fun!
We got the best surprise the day after Christmas...snow!!
We ended our year in Hattiesburg, MS visiting the Jacksons. Saying "goodbye" to one year and "hello" to another with best friends was simply amazing! We visited the Hattiesburg Zoo on New Year's Eve...
...where all the kids did the ropes course...
...and rode the carousel!
We had lunch at Raising Cane's (the real reason I visit Hattiesburg π), and although this scene looks peaceful enough, it was quite a chaotic lunch with 7 kids. π
We made homemade pizzas for dinner...
...and did a midnight countdown for the kids a little after 8:00 p.m. π We let them watch a movie until 10:00 while the adults played Phase 10, and then the kids went to bed. I seriously doubted I could stay up until midnight, but peer pressure and good company got me through!

Claire was in baby Heaven with Charlie...
...and Henry loved having his buddy, Wells, around!
It was the perfect weekend to end a great year!
I also accomplished a huge personal goal I set at the beginning of the year and read my Bible everyday, finishing the whole book over the course of the year. This is the first time I've ever stuck to a reading plan I set out to do, and I'm grateful for all that I learned about God through it! Can't wait to see what 2023 holds!
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